Exciting new £1.1m centre for Portsmouth children with special needs to open
The Rainbow Fish Centre, part of the Penhale Infant School in Fratton, will welcome pupils for the first time this autumn term, as part of a wider investment of £3.5m by Lib Dem councillors into Special Educational Needs.
Councillor Suzy Horton, Portsmouth's Cabinet Member for Children, Families and Education, said: "The purpose of the Inclusion Centre is to enable children with Special Educational Needs who need more support than is normally available in a mainstream school to be educated as an integral part of Penhale Infant school so that they can benefit from aspects of the mainstream school experience as well as having additional specialist support.
This is part of a range of initiatives aimed at making even more improvements to education for children and young people with SEN and disabilities in Portsmouth and we're very proud of our approach of enabling children with special needs to be educated within mainstream schools where possible.
Cllr Suzy Horton, Cabinet Member for Children, Familes and Education
Portsmouth Lib Dem councillors are investing an extra £3.5m in the building of classrooms for children with special educational needs. Labour and Conservative councillors joined together to vote against the investment.
The development follows other specialist school places being created for children with more complex needs at Mary Rose, Cliffdale Primary and Redwood Park academies, and after Portsmouth City Council made £100,000 available to help 21 mainstream schools in Portsmouth to become even more inclusive for children with special needs.
As the new term starts, the Council continues to work closely with Portsmouth schools to help to ensure that they will continue to be open to all year groups, following government and local guidance to minimise the disruption to education and making sure school buildings and classrooms are as safe as possible - but also feel familiar and normal.