Mixed-plastic recycling banks roll out across Portsmouth

From 6th September, bright orange mixed plastic recycling banks have been installed all around the city to help you recycle plastic yoghurt pots, vegetable trays, shampoo bottles and cleaning products – all of those things you hated having to put in the general waste bin or which you had to go out of your way to re-cycle before. Now it's easier to do the right thing.
After collecting and careful sorting, the plastic is turned into pellets and re-used in new packaging in a proper, traceable process within the UK and not abroad. (Other Council’s have allegedly claimed to collect and recycle but have actually been found to have passed plastic waste to contractors who take it to landfill.)
You can look on the Council’s website for more details and get the specific locations of the plastic banks here. If the scheme is popular, more mixed-plastic banks will be installed in even more places.
But mixed-plastic recycling banks are just another step in the Lib Dem-led Council's practical but much more ambitious vision to ‘green’ the city via a series of cost-effective, forward-looking programmes.
For example, on recycling, the long-term plan is to build a complete, new waste-sorting facility locally. This will bring down recycling costs, create local jobs and enable doorstep recycling of even more items.
But there is much more going on. For example, did you know, Lib Dem-led Portsmouth is the UK’s number 1 Council for solar generation – that’s saving the city a fortune this year.
It’s also the 3rd best for electric vehicle charging availability, is insulating new council homes to high, “passive house” standards to permanently address fuel poverty issues and has many other green transport and housing initiatives under way.
So, whilst others are talking, Portsmouth Lib Dems control of the Council is making positive change happen – and, importantly, doing so in ways that also represent good value for local Council Tax payers. That way, it is financially as well as environmentally sustainable.
All this sensible ‘green’ action reflects that the Lib Dems’ underlying belief that the each generation is responsible for the fate of our planet - a belief that, unlike some others, is written into the inspiring opening of our constitution.
If you’d like work with us to help make our city a fairer, greener and more caring place even faster, please get in touch at office@portsmouthlibdems.org.uk .