My Tattoo will say 'Made in Portsmouth' - so its 'Hands Off Portsmouth' from Me
If I ever get a tattoo, it will read 'Made in Portsmouth'.
My Dad was a shipwright at H.M. Dockyards. My Mum was a nurse at St James Hospital.
I learnt early on that Portsmouth people want local decisions made by local leaders who answer to the voters of the Portsmouth.
That's why the Labour government's plan to force Portsmouth into a “super authority” of 500,000 people by May 2028 is so wrong.
But what's worse, the 'shotgun marriage' that Labour want includes parts of Conservative-run Hampshire.
They have huge debts and an annual deficit of £180million. Well run and financially stronger, Lib Dem-led Portsmouth would have to share that debt.
But on day one, the so-called ‘Super-Authority’ would likely be bust.
That means your Council Tax will have to go up and your council services cut.
So, as it stands, it is a disaster of an idea.
It's also being rushed through with no local vote and, as yet, no local consultation.

Just like cuts to Winter Fuel Allowances and National Insurance increases in the Budget.
Look how well that went.
If you feel as strongly as I do, please sign our Hands Off Portsmouth petition and share it to your friends.
Together, let's send Westminster a message: KEEP YOUR HANDS OFF PORTSMOUTH!