Sex, Drugs and Langstone Harbour

We knew the sewage problem locally was bad, but I never dreamed this bad!
Today, we learned 2 new things:
Firstly, Southern Water dumped sewage into our seas and rivers 464,056 times in 2023. That's more than double the level of 2022.
The water & sewage companies are out of control.

Secondly, every single marine species from Langstone Harbour tested by researchers at University of Portsmouth has contained medications and drugs. That includes cocaine, a class A drug.
This all has a huge impact on local wildlife. Some species in Langstone Harbour are even reported to be changing sex due to hormonal havoc wreaked by medications meant for humans, like contraception.
Both Portsmouth Harbour and Langstone Harbour contain Sites of Special Scientific Interest, which are nationally designated and supposed to be protected by law.
We cannot let Southern Water off the hook.
Just last year, Westminster MPs, including Conservative Penny Mordaunt and the former Portsmouth South MP, Flick Drummond, voted to allow sewage dumping into our rivers and seas, for another 15 years. It's not good enough. The problem is getting worse and it must be addressed urgently.
Water companies like Southern Water want taxpayers to foot the bill while they make £2.2 billion in annual profits.
The Liberal Democrat plan to tackle this problem starts with banning water companies' executive bonuses and imposing a new tax on their huge profits. Only the Liberal Democrats propose real action to Stop the Sewage in Portsmouth. We're working hard to hold the water companies and the government to account on this.
While you're here...
Would you join our campaign to Stop the Sewage by signing our petition? It will only take 30 seconds or less.
Stop The Sewage!
We want the government to stop companies like Southern Water polluting our seas, making us sick, wrecking our environment and charging us for the privilege. If you want the dumping of sewage into our seas and rivers to stop, sign below to let the government know it has to stop!