What now for the Labour government's plans to cut welfare?
The Labour government are in a financial mess.
Labour's alleged number 1 mission is growth - but the economy shrank again in January. Now Labour is expected to cut welfare benefits to balance the books.
Last week, Labour's Works & Pensions minister floated cutting benefits to disabled people on PIP (Personal Independence Payments).
This week she had to shelve the plan as people began to realised what this meant. Who will Labour hit instead?
After the disaster of Winter Fuel payments, National Insurance tax rises and increases to bus fares, you would have thought Labour would have learnt.
But the pattern repeats.
Poorly thought through plans are rushed into place. The wrong people get hurt. The Labour government has neither a grip on the detail nor a long term plan.
In contrast, Lib Dem-led Portsmouth is seen as well run and financially responsible.
For example, over 1000 local pensioners recently got a one-off winter energy payment called OPEPS - Part of well targeted support for older people.
Another Energy Payment Scheme targeted Carers & Young people on Universal Credit.
That's good (local) government.
All this however is under threat. Labour plan to abolish Portsmouth and merge it with surrounding areas including parts of Hampshire with its £180Million pound deficit.
The new "mega-council" covering 500,000 people will be bust on day one.
Portsmouth residents will see Council Tax rise and local services cut.
That's why we are running a campaign called Hands Off Portsmouth.

This government will be forcing us between putting the council tax up too high or cutting services. We should be resisting. It should be Hands Off Portsmouth.
Cllr Gerald Vernon-Jackson