Labour's Chaos
Putting the record straight on Labour's chaos
Recently Portsmouth Labour have put out misleading videos on social media about the chaos they're in. We’re putting the record straight and being as transparent as possible about the chaos and scandal Labour are in.
55% of Labour Councillors have been in scandal or quit in the last 12 months
Of the 9 councillors Portsmouth Labour had in May 2022, 5 have either been sacked, suspended, quit or investigated in the last twelve months. We've broken them down one by one for you.
Councillor Judith Smyth | Suspended
Labour Councillor for St Jude, Judith Smyth, is currently suspended by the Labour Party. In December, Judith recieved a letter stating "This is a notice of administrative suspension from holding office and representing the Labour Party for the Portsmouth Labour Group.". When asked what the suspension was relating to "social misconduct or behavior." - The News reported Judith's suspension here.
Councillor Cal Corkery | Sacked
Labour Councillor for Charles Dickens, Cal Corkery, was suspended and then sacked by the Labour Party in January 2023 for social media activity that breached Labour Party rules. This followed his arrest in 2016. The News reported his suspension, and then subsequent sacking.
Councillor Kirsty Mellor | Quit
Labour Councillor for Charles Dickens, Kirsty Mellor, quit the Labour Party following Cllr Corkery's sacking. The News reported it here.
Councillor Asghar Shah | Investigated
In January 2023, it was revieled that the Labour Councillor for Cosham, Asghar Shah, built two outbuildings at his home without permission from the council. This was particuarly inappropriate as Cllr Shah is standing deputy on the city's planning committee. The council's planning officers conducted an investigation as to whether the buildings could remain or whether they had to be removed. The News reported this here.
Councillor George Fielding | Sacked
In May 2022, Labour Councillor for Central Southsea, Geroge Fielding, was sacked as Portsmouth Labour's Leader. This was reported in The News here.
Portsmouth Labour backed by controversial journalist Aaron Bastani
Portsmouth Labour is backed by controvesial journalist Aaron Bastani, who called for the British Legion's poppy appeal to scrapped, calling it "racist" and "white supremacist".
In 2018, controversial journalist Aaron Bastani, announced he would moving to Portsmouth to campaign for the Portsmouth Labour Party as "that's where people needed to be persuaded".
In an online rant, he shockingly called for the Royal British Legion to be disbanded and branded the poppy appeal "racist" and "grotesque". You can watch the video here.
In the same year he made these awful comments, the poppy appeal announced it had raised £1 every second since the First Word War. That's over £3bn dedicated to veteran care homes, family respite and advisory services, among other causes.