Portsmouth's GP Crisis
Did you know, Portsmouth has the fewest GPs in England?
A recent study by the Nuffield Trust showed there are 2483 patients for every one GP in the city. This is the worst ratio in England. Portsmouth Lib Dems have already written to the Health Minister asking for Portsmouth to get its fair share of GPs - some other places have double the number of GPs we do.
Portsmouth Lib Dems have proposed to the Government that they change the rules and allow our city council to directly employ GPs. We have also demanded that Portsmouth become a pilot area to follow Wales and Scotland in allowing pharmacists to issue prescriptions. This will be more convenient for many people and ease the pressure on existing GP appointments.
Do you agree with our plan for more GPs in Portsmouth? If so, please sign below. We will use this to evidence to the Government that Portsmouth residents back our proposal, making it more likely they'll accept our proposals.
Portsmouth GP crisis
Do you agree with our plan for more GPs in Portsmouth? If so, please sign below. We will use this to evidence to the Government that Portsmouth residents back our proposal, making it more likely they'll accept our proposals.